
Unlock Your Career Potential

Where Passion Meets Profession

Looking For a Job

Looking For a Job

Are you amongst the unfortunate many that are looking for a job? Is success still giving you a miss? Are you finding the process demoralising?

A stupid question maybe – but would you like to stand a better, fighting chance? Then read on.

In many areas of the country, looking for a job these days is like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Fortunately all is not lost and there are ways of shortening the odds that are stacked up against you.

First, and possibly the hardest hurdle is to remain positive. Difficult, yes, but it can be done.

Second, try a method that stands a much higher chance of success. In the job market today nothing can be guaranteed. There are just too many people chasing each job. Therefore you must improve your chances and in so doing, shorten the odds.

How? A very good question. The following tips should help you achieve your goal.

1. Don’t spend your time watching TV, playing electronic games and generally becoming a couch potato. Get moving!

2. Read the local paper job vacancies on the day the paper is published. You don’t have to buy the paper, just go along to your local library and read the free copy.

3. Become a very regular visitor to the Job Centre. Make sure the staff at the Centre know you and that you are keen to work. Some Job Centres are more ‘people friendly’ than others.

4. When you write a letter of application for any job make sure that your letter has impact, stands out from the rest and is not overlooked.

5. Write a good CV. Not packed with insignificant details. Stick to the facts and don’t lie. You will be found out eventually and no one likes a liar.

6. When you get to the interview stage present yourself well. You have three seconds to make a good impression – don’t waste them. Research shows that 7% of people conducting an interview based their opinion on what you say. The rest depends on how you look and act. Amazing! Think about this. When you meet a person for the first time – what is your reaction? 

7. Be well turned out for the interview. Clean, tidy, sit well and all the obvious points should be followed. 

8. If you do not succeed at this first interview, do not despair. Learn from the experience, taking your knowledge with you when you get your next interview. 

The whole process of Looking For a Job is no longer simple and in fact can be quite a daunting process. It is imperative that you remain positive, don’t lose heart and you will succeed. 

One man who took the unorthodox route has succeeded. He tried advertising on a commercial web site, but had his advert withdrawn. He tried the classified adverts – same result. As a result of his persistence his efforts were taken up by Radio 4 programme – You and Yours. Result – he has been offered three jobs. 

Why not try your local radio programme if they have a call-in slot. Almost anything is worth a try when the going gets really tough. 

Wishing you the very best of luck.