Distinguishing yourself from the competition when searching for a job start with the presentation of your resume. Many employers will first look at your resume and decide whether they want to meet you in person. There are many thing that they take into consideration when assessing you resume.
Firstly, a well written resume does not need to be very long. A good CV will not be more than two pages long. If it is too long, the employer may get tired just by reading the first pages. While the CV has to be brief, it most provide the employer with enough information so that he will be willing to give you an interview. In fact the resume is your marketing tool.
You may be surprised to know that there are many people who have many qualifications, talents, and skills but find it hard to obtain a job. Some things that you can do to increase your chances are; To hire the service of a resume writing company, have your CV read by an expert for advice, tailor your CV for the specific employment that you are seeking.
Resume writers can be found online. Obviously, their service comes with a cost. Such service can help you get to the door for an interview. Keep in mind that if a company actually calls you for an interview, it means that you have at least 50% of chance to get the opportunity the other 50% remaining requires that you distinguish yourself from the competition
A good resume writing company will not only help you with your CV but they can also provide you with tips about attending an interview. Some things to take into consideration are the following:
The presentation of your resume is of high importance. It must be tailored to reflect and put emphasis on your knowledge, experience, and skills for the position sought
The wording is important. If you are an expert in your field, the keywords that you will use should be of technical nature reflecting your professionalism
Make use of action verbs to portray yourself such; accomplished, transformed, improved
Your resume should have clearly defined sections. Avoid too many personal pronoun such as “I” or “me”. Often, it only takes an employer about 30 seconds to determine whether he/she will read further or will discard your resume. The opening presentation should be a marketing pitch for the position. It should be brief but contain enough point which will have the employer seek to read further. Remember, the resume is used to get you that first interview.
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